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Hearing Blog

This just in—wearing hearing aids may help you live longer

September 16, 2024

It’s no secret that treating hearing loss with hearing aids gives us the life-changing benefit of never missing a moment. But this just in: A brand-new study published in The Lancet Healthy Longevity Journal has revealed that hearing aids may also be life-lengthening—by nearly 25 percent. While the study had us at “live longer,” we wanted to know more and thought you might, too. Study examined longevity effects of regular hearing aid use ...

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October is national protect your hearing month

September 12, 2024

Think about your activities and also your kids activities.  It’s that time of the year again...hunting season.  Therefore, it is also time for a lot of people in our community to take assessment of the type of hearing protection that they use.   If you are shooting guns then you should get the best sound limiting ear plugs or devices that you can.  If you get the little foam plugs from the store then ...

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Do you need a second opinion

September 10, 2024

We will all find ourselves at one time or another; taking the advice of other people.  It’s a simple act of asking someone’s opinion and deciding if their advice or information seems valid.  Is it “do-able.” We take the advice of our friends and family.  We take the advice of the medical professionals that we deal with.  We trust these people so it’s only natural to “brain storm” with them to seek ...

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Better hearing helps to improve memory

September 6, 2024

Aging.. It's one of those things that we all have to deal with in life; like it or not.  Lots of things happened to us as we age.   We gain weight!  UGH!  We slow down, even when we don't think we are moving slower... You KNOW that you are!  Our touch gets a little less sensitive.  Maybe our vision causes us problems..and yes, our memory and our hearing gets worse.   Why?  Well ...

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How your heart health is related to better hearing

September 5, 2024

Have you had a cardiovascular check up?  How are you feeling?  Are you active and getting a little exercise?   We all know how important it is for our heart to be in tip top shape.   Not only is good cardiovascular health important to be able to enjoy an active vibrant life; its important for your hearing. Cardiovascular disease can cause hearing loss.   Hypertension is another condition that can damage your hearing.  Hypertension causes the small ...

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